Science fiction you say? And what is that exactly?

My love of science fiction started when I discovered the fiction section in our high school library. I was a fresh faced 12 year old. I grew up on a diet of Winnie the Pooh, Wind in the Willows, Swallows and Amazons, and Robert Louis Stevenson. My favourite character of all time was a boy called Kid Chameleon, who made his colour changing appearance in the Cor magazines I pestered my mum and dad to order for me from England. My world changed when I happened across a copy of a little book entitled The Runaway Robot , by Lester Del Rey. It was the story of Paul and his robot, Rex. Paul's family are returning to earth from Ganymede, and Rex can't go with them as they can't afford to pay the shipping costs. Paul's father plans to sell the robot, but Paul has other ideas, and he and Rex run away. Of course, it all works out in the end and Rex the robot ends up finding his way to earth. I was happy to find a well cared for second hand copy of the book online, with what I a...