
Showing posts from October, 2022

In the beginning was Hugo Gernsback

The Golden Age of Science Fiction is much debated. Supposedly it started back in 1938 and Hugo Gernsback was touted to have been the driving force that moved Science Fiction from the pulp era into the golden light. Huge Gernsback was born in Luxembourg on 16th August 1884. His mother was a housewife, and his father a winemaker. He emigrated to America in 1904 and was eventually naturalised as an American citizen. He started out in electronics. He imported radio parts from Europe in the hopes that he could popularise "wireless." In 1908 he founded Modern Electrics. It was the very first magazine that featured articles about both electronics and radio. With the wonderful power of the internet, I managed to track down a PDF copy of Vol 1 No 1. It was published in April 1908. Articles included Wireless Telegraphy; Experiments in Static Electricity; How to make a 'dry' storage battery from a 'wet' one; The Speaking Gloves; Recharging Dry Cells; How to make an elect...